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Building on technological advances in AI, two best-in-class software take steps toward bringing touchless innovation to the dental Office.

Bola Technologies, Inc. (Bola AI), a leading provider of voice-AI technology for healthcare and dental care professionals, today announced a pivotal partnership with Overjet, an industry leader in dental artificial intelligence. The union will make the best in cutting-edge AI technology available to dental oces everywhere as part of a preferred pricing package.

Bola AI’s Voice Perio system, which enables dental staff to seamlessly enter perio data directly into client PMS and Practice Management System systems in real-time, will complement Overjet’s platform, which analyzes dental images, quantities detected pathology and turns X-rays into powerful patient motivators. The partnership will not only save time for busy hygienists but also lessen the burden of clinical patient documentation for additional office staff. Our partnership with Overjet will prove to be a win for both dental professionals and patients. “Our partnership with Overjet will prove to be a win for both dental professionals and patients,” said Rushi Ganmukhi, CEO and founder of Bola AI. “In conversations with mutual customers, we have heard amazing things about what Overjet has to offer, and it is our pleasure to work with them. Our combined AI technologies perfectly complement one another and will not only deliver amazingly accurate results but also free dentists up to spend more time doing what they love best: serving the healthcare needs of their patients.”

In recent years, AI and deep learning have made incredible strides, with computer vision, language processing and speech recognition achieving near-human levels. Bola AI’s Voice Perio delivers speech accuracy at 99% and allows for variable accents and exible phrasing while filtering out background noise and nonclinical speech. Bola AI offers the rst clinical voice assistant for the dental market to utilize this new age of technology while providing unprecedented ease of use and accuracy.

“At Overjet, we are proud to be at the forefront of utilizing AI to transform dental care,” said Wardah Inam, CEO. “To that end, our mission directly aligns with that of Bola AI. We each provide complementary solutions that appeal to dentists for reasons of speed, accuracy and efficiency that all result in improved quality of care for patients.”

Overjet’s platform improves the patient experience by automatically annotating X-rays to bring color, visibility, transparency and quantication into clinical patient communication — enabling staff to communicate more confidently and effectively, resulting in better case acceptance. Guided by a patient-centric AI, Overjet’s FDA-cleared platform offers more data points in X-rays than previously possible. Overjet identies key findings that lead to better care and patient outcomes that drive business and revenues forward.

The partnership between Bola AI and Overjet is a boost in the mission to upgrade dental oces across the country struggling with stang issues while also providing improved infection control and patient education benets. Their shared goal of being able to offer innovative patient exams without touching a computer is now one step closer to becoming a reality.


About Bola AI
With Bola AI, the future of speech artificial intelligence (AI) is here. By harnessing the power of advanced technologies, this platform can provide efficient, fully integrated and accurate speech solutions for perio charting, clinical notes and more. With Bola AI, practices can empower themselves to create a smarter patient experience while improving operational eciency and driving revenue. Get ready to revolutionize the way your practice operates with Bola AI. Bola AI is headquartered in Boston, MA. For more information, visit

About Overjet
Founded by experts from MIT and the Harvard School of Dental Medicine, Overjet develops accurate and quantied ways to detect pathologies and integrates actionable insights into workows. Every day, private practices, dental groups and insurance companies rely on the accurate information provided by Overjet to drive care and service to patients. Learn more at