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Bola AI Announces Voice Perio Integration with Open Dental

Bola AI’s innovative voice solution continues to prove it is the leading perio charting and Clinical Notes software for dental hygienists with its newest integration.

Bola Technologies, Inc. (Bola AI), a leading provider of voice-AI technology for healthcare and dental professionals, continues to expand the availability of its revolutionary Voice Perio system to more dental practices throughout North America. The latest integration available with Bola AI’s innovative technology is with Open Dental.

Bola AI’s Voice Perio system enables dental staff to seamlessly record perio data directly into client PMS and Practice Management System systems in real time. It lessens the burden on dentists, hygienists and front-office staff while simultaneously streamlining clinical documentation and administrative duties, including charting, scheduling, imaging, billing, payment processing and much more.

“Our new integration with Open Dental is consistent with our vision to provide voice-enabled perio charting to everyone, regardless of which Practice Management System system they use,” said Rushi Ganmukhi, CEO and founder of Bola AI. “Dental practices have asked for this, and customers have been petitioning for greater overall availability of our Voice Perio software. We are pleased to meet the demand by continuing to roll out the availability of our true touchless charting solution to an ever-expanding customer base.”

Open Dental is an open-source dental practice management software provider based out of Oregon.

In recent years, AI and deep learning have made incredible strides, with computer vision, language processing and speech recognition achieving near-human levels. Bola AI’s Voice Perio delivers speech accuracy at 99% and allows for variable accents and flexible phrasing while filtering out background noise and nonclinical speech. One of the things customers appreciate most is how quickly Bola’s voice-charting software responds, with no lagging evident or voice conditioning needed. The system is typically operational on each customer’s platform within 20 minutes. Bola AI offers the first clinical voice assistant for the dental market to utilize this new age of technology while providing unprecedented ease of use and accuracy.

“At Bola AI, our mission is to provide a truly touchless environment that drives efficiency and revenue for dental practices,” said Ganmukhi. “We’re finding that dental practices across the country are ready to embrace the hands-free charting experience our technology offers.”

Bring innovation and cutting-edge AI technology to your dental practice by partnering with Bola AI today.

About Bola AI

With Bola AI, the future of speech artificial intelligence (AI) is here. By harnessing the power of advanced technologies, this platform can provide efficient, fully integrated and accurate speech (99.9%) solutions for perio charting, clinical notes and more. With Bola AI, practices can empower themselves to create a smarter patient experience while improving operational efficiency and driving revenue. Partnering with Dentrix and Dentrix AscendCurvePattersonOverjet and more, Bola is the leader in the voice-charting and notes space. Bola AI is headquartered in Boston, MA. For more information, visit